Marine Services

Explore our marine services

Explore our Marine Services

The Marine Services provided by the Seychelles Meteorological Authority offer vital information to mariners, fishermen, and all marine enthusiasts. These services encompass detailed forecasts with updates on sea conditions, wind patterns, wave heights, and visibility, crucial for navigation and fishing operations. They support critical decisions related to voyage planning, safety at sea, and the optimal timing for marine activities. With an emphasis on precision and reliability, the Marine Services ensure that those at sea or planning to venture offshore can do so with confidence and a comprehensive understanding of the marine environment.

What we do
Tide Movement Bulletin
Marine Forecast Bulletin

Latest Updates

Redeployment of Seychelles MKIII Wave Rider Marine Buoy


Redeployment of Seychelles MKIII Wave Rider Marine Buoy

Exciting news from the shores of Mahe Island, Seychelles!
Minister Flavien Joubert visits the Seychelles Meteorological Authority


Minister Flavien Joubert visits the Seychelles Meteorologic…

On Monday 23rd November, 2020 the new minister for Agriculture, Climate Change and Environment, Mr …
Strategic Plan of SMA 2024-2028

Framework & strategies

Strategic Plan of SMA 2024-2028

Our Strategic Plan 2024-2028 guides the Seychelles Meteorological Authority towards enhanced meteor…