Our Daily Forecast

The "Daily Forecast for Mahe, the Inner Islands and Amirantes, Alphonse and Coetivy Islands" provides a snapshot of the day's weather forecast, offering detailed insights into the conditions of the sky, wind, temperature, and sea. It is tailored to assist locals and visitors in planning their daily activities with knowledge of the morning's cloudy showers, wind patterns, and anticipated temperature range. Evening forecasts include similar details, with added humidity percentages and sea conditions, ensuring maritime activities can be conducted with safety and ease. Looking further ahead, the 48-hour weather outlook provides a short-term prediction, essential for any planning that extends beyond the day. This product is a testament to the Seychelles Meteorological Authority's commitment to delivering precise and actionable weather information to the community.

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Daily Weather Forecast 09 July 2024

Daily Weather Forecast 09 July 2024

July 9, 2024 Read More
Daily Weather Forecast 08 July 2024

Daily Weather Forecast 08 July 2024

July 8, 2024 Read More
Daily Weather Forecast 07 July 2024

Daily Weather Forecast 07 July 2024

July 7, 2024 Read More
Daily Weather Forecast 06 July 2024

Daily Weather Forecast 06 July 2024

July 6, 2024 Read More
Daily Weather Forecast 05 July 2024

Daily Weather Forecast 05 July 2024

July 5, 2024 Read More
Daily Weather Forecast 04 July 2024

Daily Weather Forecast 04 July 2024

July 4, 2024 Read More