Seychelles Meteorological Authority

Weather and Climate Services for Seychelles

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Seychelles prepared to achieve Early Warnings for All (EW4All) target by 2027


Seychelles prepared to achieve Early Warnings for All (EW4A…

Seychelles is now ready to achieve the target established by the United Nations Secretary General M…
Early Warning System for Floods (EWS-F) and Flash Flood Guidance System (FFGS) projects


Early Warning System for Floods (EWS-F) and Flash Flood Gui…

Join us at our workshop for the “Early Warning System for Floods (EWS-F) and Flash Flood Guidance S…

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Download Meteo SEZ, Our Mobile App

Download Meteo SEZ, Our Mobile App

Meteo SEZ app is the official mobile app of the Seychelles Meteorological Authority. The app provides weather forecasts and daily measurements about weather, climate and natural hazard warnings in Seychelles.
One of the key aims of the app is to provide end users, whether you are a local or tourist holidaying in the Seychelles, with an early warning system to identify hazardous weather conditions and anticipate weather conditions in the morning and night, through daily forecasts.